Meet Natalya Sindeyeva – has she got news for Vladimir Putin
There are many individual battles that tell the story of Vladimir Putin’s Russia, but few can have quite the fairytale resonance of Natalya Sindeyeva’s. The film details how, over successive years, that journey cost Natalya and Sasha and their two children almost everything. The had to sell the big estate and the glass-walled mansion as they poured their money into keeping TV Rain alive.
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I watched it last night and I was quite gobsmacked, actually. I thought it was such a fascinating summary... In a way, of what Russia has been going through and seeing the difficulties of independent journalism in that time, and everything that it has taken you to fight and struggle on.
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“F@ck This Job” is a tapestry of our fates and lives, multiple failures, and restarts — both on and off the camera.
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Natalia Sindeeva, the protagonist of the film:
'You start thinking to yourself: ‘Well, how long will they wait before killing someone else?’ So yes, this fear appeared, and I did my best to keep it away from the newsroom. I understood that this fear could burn me alive. It kept me from sleeping. It made me look over my shoulder. I couldn’t live like that. So I gave myself a bit of therapy and said, ‘You have to live with this. You cannot change it. You just need to let go of the fear.’ That helped me a lot.'
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F@ck This Job is a lively portrait of a utopian ideal which runs smack into the realities of operating under a repressive regime. You can argue the whole enterprise was naïve but if people aren’t willing to hold those in charge to account, then everything is lost. Vera Krichevskaya’s documentary paints the picture of a country where freedom of press has disappeared. Replaced by propaganda and disinformation. F@ck This Job is an important film about the important of journalism in an increasingly polarised world.
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The very title of Krichevskaya's is new documentary, "Expletive This Job: Adventures In Russian Journalism," is more than enough to suggest that optimism didn't last.
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Director Vera Krichevskaya's film, spanning a decade of history during which Putin worked to enshrine his hold on the nation into the constitution itself, shows how journalists and media mavens question their mission when they find themselves targeted for holding the powerful to account, and become increasingly despondent that change will come to Russia for as long as Putin lives.
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Fuck This Job, by another Russian journalist and filmmaker, Vera Krichevskaya, about the last independent TV station in Russia, Dozhd (Rain), and its battle-scarred owner, Natalya Sindeyeva. (The film will be shown on the BBC in 2022.)
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The rise, fall, and rise of Russia’s free-spirited broadcaster
The story of Russia's last national independent TV news station.
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And afterwards, they kissed, hugged, cried into their champagne flutes, and danced tango - or at least, those that knew how! Because, among the hundreds of Russian mass media platforms in existence, there is only Dozhd. This is essentially what Vera Krichevskaya's film, 'F@CK THIS JOB', is about. For this novel, the story has all the necessary ingredients: the dance of passions; insane ambitions; a constantly and tragically shifting historical landscape; big dreams; big money; and a journey of leaps, betrayals, and falls.
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One of the most important films in the DOC NYC Festival 2021is F@ck This Job. F@ck This Job is both an inspiration and a cautionary tale for journalists everywhere, especially in countries touting themselves as democracies.
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Director and producer Vera Krichevskaya, who helped found the channel 11 years ago, told The Independent that TV Rain had always managed to stay "one step away from its death”.
Her new film — entitled bluntly enough "F@ck This Job" — documents the most dramatic moments of the channel’s tortured history by telling the story of its founder Natalya Sindeyeva. The film is set to be broadcast next year in the UK by BBC Storyville.
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En dan verandert de documentaire F@ck This Job (102 min.) van Vera Krichevskaya, die zelf als lekker luchtige verteller fungeert, ook langzaam maar zeker van toon. Waar de filmmaakster eerst uitgebreid stilstaat bij Natasha’s roze Porsche, haar droomhuwelijk in ‘het Russische Versailles’ en de flair waarmee ze Dozhd opstuwt in de vaart der volkeren, komt de nadruk gaandeweg steeds meer te liggen op hoe diezelfde losbol zich ontwikkelt tot een voorvechtster van het vrije woord.
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What starts as the country’s brief thaw ends in its total isolation, while Natalya grows from a wealthy, spoiled woman in a pink Porsche into a person committed to a life full of meaning. A story of resistance against the Putin regime. A documentary about people who have a sense of self-respect, an understanding of their profession, and faith that Russia will be free.
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F@ck This Job is a story about sticking it to the Man while standing up for what you believe in. It is about a woman who refuses to be held down by the government. It is also tells the story of someone who comes from a privileged background and is sometimes not in tune with what is going on in the world. Overall, it is a tale about the importance of free press.
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Another portrait of the times is Vera Krichevskaya’s film “F@ck this Job” about Natalya Sindeeva, the founder of the independent TVRain (Dozhd) media outlet. “When Natalya started her journey with the Dozhd TV channel, she was naive enough to believe that it was possible to create independent, light, and, let’s say, glamorous television in Russia,” Mansky said. “She was from a glamorous universe, and she wanted to drive her pink Porsche into an optimistic, fairytale future. But instead, this naïve young woman drove her Porsche into a war zone, and her glamorous car got all dirty and stained and hit by shrapnel.”
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Rock and roll in the era of military marches. Before our eyes, sunny 'rain' - the 'optimistic' TV channel - was turning into honest news TV station for people with an active civil position. The main slogan is 'For those who care.' Vera Krichevskaya, the co-founder of Dozhd, invented her own film novel in the tango style.
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'F@ck This Job' is a film about how difficult it is to give up a dream. When you just want to make a TV station, and at this moment a) the country is going to hell, b) television finally remains in the past, and YouTube literally takes over everything in one year. A legendary advertisement was inserted into the film, where Natalya Sindeeva in a light dress dances in the rain on the roof of "Red October". It seems that there is no more powerful and self-ironic image for Dozhd TV.
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Krichevskaya’s doc should be required viewing for all dissident journalists, because it really lays bare the tactics employed against Dozhd.
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Vera Krichevskaya's interview
「像是突然在某一天,我們竟然可以公開且合法討論這個社會是如此貧窮,生活如此惡劣,可以去談論我們在阿富汗戰爭中失去了多少,而前陣子又有多少異議份子被 逮捕入獄,遭受牢獄之災。」